The image displays the upper section of a sleek black chair with a gold-colored 'T' logo embossed on the backrest. The side of the chair has a small tag with the characters 'R 2022.' The chair has a modern, sophisticated design with textured materials.
Vores historie

Vi flytter grænserne

Idéen til Secretlab udsprang af en helt simpel årsag. Vores grundlæggere Ian og Alaric var blevet frustrerede over deres uendelige jagt på en gamerstol, som de var tilfredse med. Så de besluttede at udvikle deres egen. De havde store ambitioner – de ville ændre branchen inden for gamerstole med et sæde, der forener smuk æstetik med udelukkende de bedste materialer.

A row of high-back Secretlab gaming chairs is displayed, each showcasing the Omega model. The chairs are black with varying accent colors and featuring ergonomic designs, visible armrests, and the Secretlab logo on the headrest and Omega symbol on the backrest.

Der blev udviklet snesevis af prototyper i opløbet til Secretlab Classics, vores prisbelønnede bestseller, der blev den foretrukne stol i verdens førende e-sportsturneringer og blandt mesterskabsvindende hold. Drevet af en utrættelig besættelse af detaljer og passion for at skabe fantastiske brugeroplevelser har vi siden været kendt for den fanatiske udførelse, der kommer til udtryk i alle vores produkter.

A brown, filled bag attached to blue straps is placed on an office chair. The bag seems to be used for testing the chair's strength and stability. The office chair is black with armrests and appears to be from the brand Secret Lab.

Design på baggrund af forskning

Gennem årene har vi rådført os med flere ingeniører, materialeforskere og UX-specialister på forskellige områder for at forbedre vores design. I vores designlaboratorium og testfaciliteter arbejder Secretlab-ingeniører med banebrydende materialer og nye prototyper for at udvikle nye, radikale idéer. For at kunne realisere vores nyeste designinnovationer har vi været nødt til at udnytte mere avancerede og præcise produktionsteknologier, der kan lade sig gøre pga. fordelene ved stordrift.

Få mere at vide om, hvordan vi flytter vores gaming stole helt til grænsen.

Secretlab TITAN Evo vores mest teknologisk avancerede gamer stol til dato, som indeholder alt, hvad vi har lært gennem årene om, hvad der skaber en støttende stol. Men vores voksende team af ingeniører og forskere står aldrig stille — de er tilbage i laboratoriet og arbejder for at give dig morgendagens banebrydende teknologier, i dag.

Men en stol er meget mere end noget, du sidder på.

En Secretlab-stol er en hel oplevelse, hvor alt fra de mindste designbeslutninger til vores brancheførende 5-års udvidede garanti og support efter salg er blevet bevidst implementeret for at gøre tingene nemmere og mere behagelige for dig.

Få mere at vide om vores garanti

Secretlab er nu det bedste valg
for gamere og entusiaster i over 50 lande

Vi er til stede på store markeder som USA, Canada og Europa,
og vi fortsætter kun med at vokse.

A black and white ergonomic gaming chair with a high backrest, adjustable armrests, and a headrest pillow. The chair has a sleek, sporty design with a five-wheel base for mobility.
A black and gray gaming chair on a gray background. The chair features ergonomic design with adjustable armrests, a high back, and a cushioned seat. Embroidered on the headrest is the logo and name 'Secretlab Omega' in gold lettering.
A black ergonomic gaming chair with high-back support, adjustable armrests, and a sturdy five-wheel base. The chair features a contoured design for lumbar support and a sleek, modern appearance.
A black gaming chair with red accents and gold embroidery, featuring adjustable armrests and a high backrest with a built-in headrest. The chair has a wheelbase for mobility and a 'T' logo on the backrest, indicating its branding.
Three high-back gaming chairs are displayed against a neutral background. The chairs are ergonomically designed, feature adjustable armrests, and are upholstered in black with subtle color accents, including purple and gold.
Two ergonomic gaming chairs are displayed on a neutral background. The chair on the left is burgundy with gold accents and a logo, while the chair on the right is black with subtle logos. Both chairs have adjustable armrests, seat height, and five-wheeled bases.
Two gaming chairs are displayed side by side on a gray background. The chair on the left is gray and black with the Omega logo, while the chair on the right is black with blue accents and an unidentified logo. Both chairs have adjustable armrests and ergonomic designs.
Two modern ergonomic office chairs with mesh backs and seats are positioned side by side against a plain gray background. The chairs have adjustable armrests and five-wheeled bases for mobility.
Three ergonomic gaming chairs are displayed against a gray background. The front chair is black with gold accents, the chair to its left features a similar design, and the chair behind is black and red. All chairs have high backs and adjustable armrests.
A black ergonomic gaming chair against a grey background. The chair features adjustable armrests, a high backrest with the logo 'Secret Lab' at the top, and the letter 'T' in gold in the center. The chair has a five-wheel base for mobility and enhanced stability.
A sleek, rectangular black table with a modern design. The top edge features a colorful LED light strip that transitions through a rainbow of colors, giving the table a futuristic and stylish appearance. The table stands on four slim, black legs against a gray background.
Three ergonomic gaming chairs are displayed against a grey background. The chairs are in black with gold accents, white with gray accents, and pastel pink with black accents. They feature high backs, adjustable armrests, and star-shaped bases with casters.

Vi har siden indgået et samarbejde med nogle af de største navne inden for e-sport og underholdning, og vi er det foretrukne valg for verdens førende brands.

The image shows the logo of Riot Games, consisting of a stylized red fist to the left and the words 'RIOT GAMES' in bold red letters to the right. The image shows the logo of Blizzard Entertainment, featuring the word 'BLIZZARD' in a stylized, jagged blue font with the word 'ENTERTAINMENT' in a simpler black font beneath it. Lamborghini logo featuring a black shield with a golden outline. Inside the shield, there is a gold-colored, charging bull and above it, the words 'Automobili Lamborghini' written in gold. The Oracle Red Bull Racing logo features 'ORACLE' in grey above 'Red Bull' in red, with two red bulls charging against a yellow circle in between the words. 'RACING' is below in a smaller grey font with two grey lines on either side. Mclaren A grayscale silhouette of a young boy with messy hair, standing on one leg with arms extended. The image displays the logo of Valorant, a popular video game. The logo consists of a stylized, red 'V' at the top and the word 'VALORANT' in uppercase red letters beneath it, all set on a black background. The image shows the logo for the video game 'Overwatch,' consisting of a stylized circle with an orange arch on top and a black arrow forming a 'V' shape in the center. The background is white. A blue 'DC' logo enclosed within a blue circle on a transparent background. The letters are bold and angular, with the 'D' on the left and the 'C' on the right, both touching the inner edges of the circle. A completely black image with no discernible objects or features. Logo of 'The Witcher' in distinctive medieval-style font, with the word 'THE' above 'WITCHER' in uppercase letters. The letters are dark and have sharp, angular edges, conveying a fantasy and mystical theme. The background is transparent. The image features the text 'Wizarding World' with a stylized sunburst above 'Harry Potter' in the distinctive font associated with the Harry Potter series. A stylized logo featuring the word 'Minecraft' in bold, blocky, gray letters with a minimalist design reminiscent of the game's pixelated graphics. The 'A' in 'Minecraft' is stylized to include a black square. The logo has a subtle 3D effect. The image shows the 'World of Warcraft' logo. The text is stylized in gold and red letters with a fantasy design. The background features a blue, globe-like shape with intricate gold embellishments at the top and bottom. A logo for the game 'Cyberpunk 2077' in stylized, jagged text with a futuristic design, composed of blue and black colors. Edge Runner Cyber Punk The image features the 'Monster Hunter' logo, with bold, stylized yellow and white text outlined in black. Above the text, there's a detailed silhouette of a dragon-like creature in a powerful, roaring pose. The background is transparent with a faint, glowing yellow outline. The image shows a logo for 'Warhammer 40,000' with metallic, industrial textures. The word 'WARHAMMER' is prominently displayed in large, bold, silver letters with '40,000' in smaller silver text below it, flanked by two red lines. The image features the logo for 'Final Fantasy XIV Online,' with the title displayed in large, uppercase letters and a decorative arching line underneath the text. Diablo IV logo with the text 'Diablo' in stylized metallic letters and the Roman numeral IV behind it, partially covered in blood splatter effects. The design conveys a dark and ominous theme consistent with the game series.
Game of thrones Arcane LeagueOfLegends A black and white logo featuring a hooded figure with a diamond-shaped emblem at the chest, set against a shield-like background with pointed edges along the top. The overall design gives a sense of mystery and protection. Black silhouette of a tree with a short trunk and bushy, rounded foliage. The tree is centrally positioned and symmetrical, with branches extending outwards and upwards, giving it a full, lush appearance. The background is plain white. League of Legends European Championship A minimalist black silhouette of a crown with angular, irregular peaks on a transparent background. A simple black icon of a horizontal arrow pointing to the right. Valorant Champions Valorant Masters VCT Logo A black logo featuring a stylized emblem composed of sharp angles surrounding a star shape, with the text 'VCT AMERICAS' to the right of the emblem. The emblem and text are in a bold, modern font. Gundam Dragonball Z Jujutsu Kaisen The 'Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba' logo features bold, stylized text with the words 'DEMON SLAYER' prominently displayed. Below it, in smaller text, it says 'KIMETSU NO YAIBA.' The background includes a circular red brushstroke design. Naruto Shippuden logo featuring the text 'Naruto' in orange with a red outline, and 'Shippuden' in blue with a pink background swirl design. The image displays the Valve logo, featuring the word 'VALVE' in capital letters inside a black rectangular box. The text is white and the letter 'E' has a distinctive protruding vertical line on its left side. PGL Logo for The International Dota 2 Championships featuring a stylized red 'S' within a square. 'The International' is written in elegant script above 'Dota 2 Championships' in block lettering with five red stars below. A 3D metallic letter 'M' with sharp edges and facets, featuring a gradient of orange and brown shades on a white background.
A stylized red logo featuring a combination of a wing and the letter 'T', designed to represent a dynamic, forward-moving image. The logo elements are merged to create a sleek and modern look. The background is transparent. Cloud9 logo featuring a stylized blue cloud icon above the text 'CLOUD9' in bold blue letters. The cloud icon consists of three interconnected loops that form a triangular shape. The background is white. Black and white logo of Team Secret featuring a stylized eye with curved lines above and below it, resembling an abstract eye shape. The words 'TEAM SECRET' are written in uppercase letters below the eye design. OG Team Liquid Team Vitality PGL A black circle with white, stylized, brushstroke letters 'R' and 'L' overlapping inside it. Logo of Aape by A Bathing Ape. It features a stylized black and white ape's face inside a circle and the word 'Aape' in bold red letters underneath. Below 'Aape' is the text 'BY A BATHING APE®' in smaller black font. Stylized black graffiti art with abstract shapes and lines, featuring sharp angles and dynamic curves, on a transparent background. The image features the 'Mortal Kombat' logo, consisting of a red dragon encircled by a red ring. Below the logo, the text 'MORTAL KOMBAT' is written in bold, black, all-capital letters. The background is transparent. Birds of Prey' movie logo in stylized text. The words 'BIRDS OF PREY' are in bold, black capital letters, and underneath in pink cursive are 'and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn.' The logo has a trademark symbol next to it. Logo of Emerson College featuring a stylized gold emblem resembling a torch or pillar, with the name 'Emerson College' written below in blue, bold capital letters. A black square with no visible content. The Make-A-Wish logo features the organization's name in blue text. The 'A' in 'Wish' has a stylized arch with a star at the end, symbolizing a shooting star. Starlight Children Foundation A logo displaying the letters 'PGL' in bold, red, uppercase font against a transparent background. The image displays the PlayStation logo featuring a stylized 'P' in red, blue, yellow, and green colors, followed by the word 'PlayStation' in black text. This is the brand logo of Sony's popular video game console.

Men vi vil også gerne være en virksomhed, der gør en håndgribelig forskel i menneskers liv. Vi er meget stolte af, hvor langt vi er kommet, og vi vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at give noget tilbage til hele verden.

An infographic with text '400,000 FDA-approved masks went to healthcare workers in the US, UK, and SG.' The graphic features logos of organizations and different gaming chairs labeled with team logos, and text 'We couldn't have done it without you.

Gør en forskel

COVID-19-pandemien har berørt os alle. Midt i alt dette stod sundhedsmedarbejdere ved frontlinjen hver dag og udsatte sig selv for fare, så resten af os kunne forblive sikre. For at afhjælpe manglen på personligt beskyttelsesudstyr som masker har vi allieret os med vores partnere inden for e-sport og gaming, herunder Riot Games, Valve, Cloud9, G2 Esports, Team Secret og OG, om at donere i alt 400.000 FDA-godkendte masker til hospitaler i USA, Storbritannien og Singapore.

For at fejre alt det gode, som gaming-verdenen kan gøre, har vi støttet streamere, der arbejder på at skaffe penge til St. Jude Children's Research Hospital på GuardianCon. Mens de sad i Secretlab-stole, indsamlede streamerne i alt 4 mio. USD med DrLupo som vært og andre populære streamere såsom Tfue som deltagere.

Flere børn end nogensinde før har fået deres livslange ønsker sat i bero på grund af COVID-19. Sammen med Make-A-Wish® ønskede vi at give disse børn og deres familier noget, de fortsat kan se frem til. Til det formål slog vi os sammen med kraftcentret for e-sport, nemlig Team Liquid, på en 24-timers CHAIR-ity-stream, hvor donationer og en del af overskuddet fra salget af Team Liquid Edition-stole gik til Wish-børn. Hos Secretlab er vi altid på udkig efter måder, hvorpå vi kan give en hånd til folk i nød.

Men det er kun begyndelsen.

Se selv, hvorfor de bedste brands og teams stoler på os.

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