An ornate black border with symmetrical wave-like patterns along the top and bottom edges, enclosing a central horizontal band with intricate diagonal lines and small details. The overall design is dark and elegant, exuding a gothic or vintage aesthetic.

Vis din troskab.

Læg dig på knæ foran House Stark, Targaryan eller Lannister. Rejs fra Dragonstones kyster til Carterly Rocks kløfter og Winterfells porte med Secretlab TITAN Evo Game of Thrones Collection.

Stream alle sæsoner af Game of Thrones og House of the Dragon,

A black and red Secretlab gaming chair with a dragon design is positioned in front of a computer setup. The monitor displays a fiery scene with silhouettes. The desk holds a keyboard, mouse, and other accessories, creating a gaming environment.
An ergonomic gaming chair with intricate designs and the 'Secretlab' branding in red stitching is positioned next to a sleek, modern desk setup that includes a keyboard and a mouse. The chair and desk are illuminated by soft ambient lighting.

bakket op af prisvindende komfort i timevis.

Game of Thrones Collection spillestole

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Two Secret Lab gaming chairs themed around 'Game of Thrones.' Both chairs have a sleek black and gray design featuring the show's logo and images of the Iron Throne. The chair on the left shows the logo on the backrest, while the chair on the right displays the Iron Throne. Two gaming chairs designed by Secretlab, themed after Game of Thrones. The chairs feature the series' logo and iconography, including the Iron Throne on the backrests. They are black with cold grey highlights and have adjustable armrests on a metal base with casters. Two red gaming chairs with Game of Thrones branding. Each chair features a large golden lion emblem on the backrest and the words 'Game of Thrones.' The left chair is angled to show its side, while the right chair shows the front view. Two ergonomic gaming chairs are displayed with black and white upholstery. Each chair features the 'Game of Thrones' logo and a prominent direwolf graphic on the backrest. The chairs have adjustable armrests and a sturdy five-wheel base. This image shows two Secretlab gaming chairs, both featuring a black and red design with a dragon motif. The chair on the right has 'Game of Thrones' and a large dragon graphic on the backrest, while the chair on the left has the dragon motif on the side and seat. A pair of black gaming chairs with red dragon designs and intricate patterns. One chair displays a Targaryen emblem from 'Game of Thrones' on the backrest. Both chairs feature adjustable armrests and ergonomic back support.

House Lannister House Stark House Targaryen GoT: Iron Anniversary House of the Dragon Udgave




Secretlab NEO™ Hybrid Kunstlæder

Ryglæn i fuld længde, der kan lænes tilbage
Secretlab 4D-armlæn i helmetal
Secretlab-signaturnakke- og lændepude i memoryskum
Ryglæn i fuld længde, der kan lænes tilbage
Secretlab 4D-armlæn i helmetal
Secretlab Signature Memory Foam Head Pillow
Integreret justerbar lændestøtte
Magnetisk nakkepude i memoryskum
Patentameldt 4-vejs L-ADAPT™ lændestøttesystem
4D-armlæn i helmetal med CloudSwap™-udskiftningssystem
Patenteret nopret sædebund
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Secretlab SKINS

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House Lannister
House Stark

Verdens første premium gaming stoleærmer
til Secretlab TITAN Evo Serien
A lavender-colored gaming chair, specifically the Titan Evo model from Secretlab, is displayed from the back, showcasing its ergonomic design and adjustable armrest. The chair is set against a gradient background with the Secretlab and Skins logos at the top.

Opfrisk og tilpas din stol med en bred udvalg af designs. Præcisionskortet til det prisvindende Secretlab TITAN Evo for en krævende pasform og 360° beskyttelse. Tilpasset fra vores bløde og åndbare SoftWeave® Plus-materiale for komfort hele dagen.

A set of gaming chair upholstery in maroon fabric featuring gold lion emblems. The backrests display the 'SECRET LAB' logo at the top and 'GAME OF THRONES' at the bottom. A detachable seat cushion is also shown. A pair of Secret Lab gaming chair backs decorated with the Game of Thrones logo and a House Stark direwolf emblem. The chair and removable cushion are upholstered in light grey and black fabric, reflecting a sleek and modern design.

10 år. 8 sæsoner. 1 trone.

En konge skal sidde godt. Indtag Iron Throne til dig selv med Secretlab Game of Thrones Iron Anniversary Edition stolen.

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Two sleek gaming chairs from Secret Lab. One has Game of Thrones branding with 'The Iron Anniversary' text; the other displays the same branding with a cushion featuring various Game of Thrones house sigils. Both chairs are predominantly black and grey.
A black cushion with white emblems from the TV show 'Game of Thrones' is placed on a dark, sleek gaming chair. The cushion features various house sigils, including a dragon, direwolf, lion, and kraken, alongside the show's logo.


Iron Anniversary Edition Lændepude
