Harry Potter Collection
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Oplev magien med den fulde Secretlab Harry Potter Collection og hold vidunderet i live. Gense de fortryllende historier, der fangede fantasier over hele verden, og bliv charmeret igen.

Oplev magien med den fulde Secretlab Harry Potter Collection og hold vidunderet i live. Gense de fortryllende historier, der fangede fantasier over hele verden, og bliv charmeret igen.

Two SecretLab gaming chairs in red and beige colors are adorned with intricate designs referencing the 'Harry Potter' series with logos for 'The Marauder's Map' and 'Hogwarts' displayed on the backrest and seat.

Secretlab TITAN Evo

Harry Potter Udgave
Betrukket med Secretlab NEO™ Hybrid Kunstlæder
Fås i Regular

Magnetisk nakkepude i memoryskum Patentameldt 4-vejs L-ADAPT™ lændestøttesystem 4D-armlæn i helmetal med CloudSwap™-udskiftningssystem Patenteret nopret sædebund

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Secretlab SKINS Harry Potter Collection

til TITAN Evo-stole

Klæd din Secretlab TITAN Evo i farverne i dit Hogwarts House. Med design inspireret af Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw og Hufflepuff, er Secretlab SKINS Harry Potter Collection lavet til enhver heks og troldmand for at vise stolthed fra deres House.

Secretlab SKINS

Vælg House Variant

Verdens første premium gaming stoleærmer
til Secretlab TITAN Evo Serien
A lavender-colored gaming chair, specifically the Titan Evo model from Secretlab, is displayed from the back, showcasing its ergonomic design and adjustable armrest. The chair is set against a gradient background with the Secretlab and Skins logos at the top.

Opfrisk og tilpas din stol med en bred udvalg af designs. Præcisionskortet til det prisvindende Secretlab TITAN Evo for en krævende pasform og 360° beskyttelse. Tilpasset fra vores bløde og åndbare SoftWeave® Plus-materiale for komfort hele dagen.

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A gaming chair with a red and gold color scheme inspired by the Gryffindor house from Harry Potter. The backrest features the Gryffindor crest with a lion, and there are red and gold checkered patterns on the sides. The brand name 'Secret Lab' is visible. A gaming chair by Secretlab with a Slytherin theme from Harry Potter. The chair is mostly black with green accents and features the Slytherin house crest on the front and back. The seat cushion also has a matching black and green checkerboard pattern. A pair of blue ergonomic gaming chairs with a Ravenclaw theme from Secret Lab. The chairs feature the Ravenclaw house crest with a raven and the name 'Ravenclaw' on both the backrest and the seat. The left chair is fully assembled, while the right one shows the backside. Gaming chair with a Hufflepuff theme featuring the house crest and yellow-and-black checkered pattern. The chair is made by Secret Lab and has ergonomic cushions. The design includes the Hufflepuff badger emblem and the house name prominently displayed.

Secretlab Harry Potter udgave lændepuder

Indret dit eget Hogwarts med puder inspireret af Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw og Hufflepuff. Glem ikke at pakke dem i din kuffert!

Four pillows featuring the Hogwarts house crests from Harry Potter are shown. The Gryffindor pillow is red and gold, Hufflepuff is yellow and black, Ravenclaw is blue and silver, and Slytherin is green and black. Each pillow displays the house name and an embroidered emblem.
Wizarding world logo
WIZARDING WORLD characters, names and related indicia are © & ™ Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s23)
