Performance-drevet design. Bygget til den måde dit team arbejder på.

Gå fremtidens arbejde i møde med prisvindende ergonomiske løsninger —der arbejder sammen for at hjælpe dig med, at skabe en arbejdsplads der tilpasser sig til dig, fra jorden og op. Designet til den måde dit team arbejder og skaber, vil Secretlab stole, borde og tilbehør sætte gang i jeres workflow, med ergonomisk støtte der sætter brugeren i centrum.

A modern conference room featuring a long, rectangular table with 14 black ergonomic chairs around it. Each chair has an emblem and the word 'Titan' on it. The room has large floor-to-ceiling windows, letting in natural light, and there are potted plants on the left side.

Sæt turbo til din organisation

Vores ergonomiske stole og borde er designet til at fremme bevægelse og skabe en sundere arbejdsdag. Secretlab TITAN Evo leverer responsiv komfort, der bevæger sig med dig på tværs af arbejdsopgaver og stillinger. Sammen med MAGNUS Pro hæve-sænkebordet forhindrer den stress i, at opbygge sig i din krop og holder dig fokuseret gennem dine 12-timers dage.

Brugt af de bedste i branchen

Med mere end 60 Editor's Choice priser og tillid fra de største navne indenfor esport, underholdning og forretning, er Secretlab valget for verdens bedste.

Logo featuring two stylized brown trees with green leaves. Three orange cocoa pods are placed between and around the trees. Below, the text reads 'The Cocoa Trees' in a green serif font.
The Facebook Gaming logo consists of a stylized blue 'F' forming a square with a smaller white square in its center, above the blue text 'facebook gaming.' The design is simple and modern, with a focus on the blue and white color scheme.
The image displays the word 'HELICONIA' in bold, uppercase, red letters. The text is centered against a plain, white background.
Logo of Riot Games. The design features the company name 'RIOT GAMES' in bold, red text. To the left of the text is a stylized, clenched fist also in red, symbolizing strength and unity.
Shopify logo featuring a green shopping bag with a white 'S' on it, next to the word 'shopify' in lowercase black letters.
Logo of Jumbo Group featuring the word 'Jumbo' in bold red letters. The letter 'O' includes a small icon of a house or building inside it. Below, the word 'Group' appears in smaller blue letters.
TikTok logo featuring a stylized musical note with a gradient of blue and red colors on the left, and the word 'TikTok' in black text to the right. The logo is set against a white background.
The image features the logo of PIL, which has the letters “PIL” in bold red, with blue wavy lines to the left of the letters, resembling waves or flowing water.
Yellow geometric logo with overlapping circles, triangles, and a central 'A' symbol, surrounded by a circle. Below it, the text 'THE ALCHEMISTS' is written in uppercase yellow letters. The design is set against a transparent background.
Logo featuring two stylized brown trees with green leaves. Three orange cocoa pods are placed between and around the trees. Below, the text reads 'The Cocoa Trees' in a green serif font.
The Facebook Gaming logo consists of a stylized blue 'F' forming a square with a smaller white square in its center, above the blue text 'facebook gaming.' The design is simple and modern, with a focus on the blue and white color scheme.
The image displays the word 'HELICONIA' in bold, uppercase, red letters. The text is centered against a plain, white background.
Logo of Riot Games. The design features the company name 'RIOT GAMES' in bold, red text. To the left of the text is a stylized, clenched fist also in red, symbolizing strength and unity.
Shopify logo featuring a green shopping bag with a white 'S' on it, next to the word 'shopify' in lowercase black letters.
Logo of Jumbo Group featuring the word 'Jumbo' in bold red letters. The letter 'O' includes a small icon of a house or building inside it. Below, the word 'Group' appears in smaller blue letters.
TikTok logo featuring a stylized musical note with a gradient of blue and red colors on the left, and the word 'TikTok' in black text to the right. The logo is set against a white background.
The image features the logo of PIL, which has the letters “PIL” in bold red, with blue wavy lines to the left of the letters, resembling waves or flowing water.
Yellow geometric logo with overlapping circles, triangles, and a central 'A' symbol, surrounded by a circle. Below it, the text 'THE ALCHEMISTS' is written in uppercase yellow letters. The design is set against a transparent background.

Hvorfor vælge Secretlab?

I samarbejde med ergonomiske konsulenter og eksperter indenfor biomekanik, fysioterapi og mere, designer vi ergonomiske løsninger skræddersyet til de unikke behov, som den moderne arbejdsplads har. Ved at kombinere teknologisk performance med modigt design — leverer Secretlab produkter det, der skal til for at skabe arbejdsområder som inspirerer og giver dig velvære.

An open office space featuring ergonomic chairs, computers with dual monitors, and a large plant divider. The space has large windows that let in ample natural light, and the flooring is wooden. The chairs and screens display a logo that says 'SECRET LAB.

Dedikeret account manager

Eftersalgsservice i verdensklasse og omfattende support på hvert trin af vejen.

Skræddersyede løsninger

Nyd en løsning skræddersyet til dine behov.

Eksklusive erhvervstilbud

Indret dit kontor med vores prisvindende stole og borde for endnu mindre.

Udvidet garanti

Få komplet ro i sindet med vores udvidede garanti.

Kontakt os

Tilpasser sig til alt hvad du foretager dig

Arbejd bedre og sundere med Secretlab TITAN Evo. Udviklet til at støtte dig på tværs af opgaver og lader dig gå fra regneark til video-møder. Udstyret med forskningsunderstøttet teknologier, vil TITAN Evo forøge performance, produktivtet og tilpasse sig til alle dine bevægelser.

A person sits at a desk wearing headphones, engaged in a video call on a curved monitor. The desk has a keyboard, phone, lamp, and other small items. The workspace is modern, with gray and black tones. A large window with a city view is visible in the background.
A modern office with a light gray ergonomic gaming chair near a sleek black desk. The desk has a computer monitor, keyboard, mouse, and other office supplies. In the background, there is a black sofa, large windows, and a plant.

Skab dit arbejdsområde

Alle Secretlab produkter inkorporerer en dyb forståelse af de måder folk arbejder på. Alt lige fra vores stole og borde til vores udvalg af modulbaseret tilbehør, er nøje udtænkt til at forbedre din rutine og hjælpe dig med at skabe et mere komfortabelt, effektivt og ergonomisk arbejdsområde.

Kontakt os

Udfyld formularen nedenfor og så kontakter vi dig for at tale om dine behov.
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Udfyld venligst dette felt nøjagtigt.
Udfyld venligst dette felt nøjagtigt.
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Vælg venligst en mulighed.

Gennemse modeller på en ny fane

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Klik i afkrydsningsfeltet reCAPTCHA.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål
Vores minimumsstørelser på bulk ordrer:
  • 5 (SG & MY)
  • 10 (US, CA, UK, EU, AU & NZ).
Ellers, bedes du kontakte os for mere information.
Ja, afhængigt af antal og varianter. Kontakt os for at få et tilbud.
Du kan se frem til at få tilknyttet en dedikeret account manager, som er dedikeret til at give dig en nem og glidende oplevelse fra start til slut. Du nyder også godt af andre fordele, som udvidet erhvervsgaranti på dit køb, prioriteret kundeservice og mere.
Ved erhvervsordrer accepterer vi kun kreditkort og bankoverførsler.
Leveringstiden afhænger af produktet, antal og lokation. Et mere nøjagtigt estimat vil blive givet sammen med tilbuddet.