Von den VALORANT Champions bis zu den Game Changers – Secretlab unterstützt die besten VALORANT Spieler:innen mit entscheidender Rückendeckung. Erlebe denselben Komfort wie die Profis mit dem Secretlab TITAN Evo.

Offizieller Gründungspartner von VALORANT Esports

Preisgekrönter Komfort trifft auf die VALORANT Champions Tour. Secretlab ist im fünften Jahr in Folge dabei, um die weltbesten Spieler:innen mit turniergerechtem, ergonomischem Komfort auszustatten, während sie um den nächsten Titel kämpfen. So werden Legenden gemacht.

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Masters 2025 Masters 2022 Masters 2021 Berlin Masters 2021 Reykjavík Champions Champions 2022 Champions 2021 Game Changers 2023 Game Changers 2022 Edition
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Silhouetted image of a person in a yoga pose known as Tree Pose (Vrksasana). The figure stands on one leg, with the other leg bent and foot resting on the inner thigh. Arms are raised overhead, palms joined together. Simple background with no additional details.
Masters Edition
A black square with no visible content.
Champions Edition
A black square with no discernible features or visible content.
Game Changers Edition
Champions Edition

Zurzeit nicht ERHÄLTLICH

Champions 2022 Edition

Zurzeit nicht ERHÄLTLICH

Champions 2021 Edition

Zurzeit nicht ERHÄLTLICH

Masters Edition

Zurzeit nicht ERHÄLTLICH

Masters 2022 Edition

Zurzeit nicht ERHÄLTLICH

Masters 2021 Berlin Edition

Zurzeit nicht ERHÄLTLICH

Masters 2021 Reykjavík Edition

Zurzeit nicht ERHÄLTLICH

Game Changers 2022 Edition

Zurzeit nicht ERHÄLTLICH

Game Changers Edition

Zurzeit nicht ERHÄLTLICH

Two Secret Lab gaming chairs in black and gold, featuring the Valorant Champions logo and text. The front view shows armrests and cushion details, while the back view highlights stitched branding and gaming symbols. Two black and gold gaming chairs with 'Valorant Champions' branding, featuring ergonomic designs and adjustable armrests. The chairs have the Secretlab logo at the top and gaming-themed graphics, providing a stylish and comfortable seating option for gamers. Two Secretlab gaming chairs in black and gold. The chair on the left has a geometric design on the backrest, while the chair on the right features the Valorant Champions logo and text, 'Berlin,' embroidered. Both chairs have adjustable armrests and a sleek design. Two black and white Secretlab gaming chairs are shown, positioned back to back. Each chair has the 'VALORANT Masters' logo on the backrest, and the brand's logo, 'Secretlab,' on the headrest. The chairs feature ergonomic designs with adjustable armrests. Two gaming chairs from Secret Lab, designed in collaboration with VALORANT Masters, are shown. The chairs feature ergonomic designs with supportive armrests, bold red and black color schemes, and the VALORANT logo prominently displayed on the backrest. Two blue and black gaming chairs are pictured. One chair has 'VALORANT MASTERS REYKJAVIK' and related graphics printed in red on the backrest, while the other chair has the 'Secret Lab' brand logo. Both chairs have ergonomic designs and adjustable armrests. Two black and blue gaming chairs by Secret Lab with 'VALORANT MASTERS' branding on the backrests. The chairs feature adjustable armrests, ergonomic design elements, and branding icons on the seat and backrest. Two black and yellow gaming chairs from SecretLab are shown. The chair on the left displays logos and symbols, while the chair on the right features the words 'Valorant Game Changers' with a star emblem. Both chairs have adjustable armrests and ergonomic designs. Two black and yellow gaming chairs from Secret Lab, branded with the name 'Game Changers.' The chairs feature ergonomic designs, adjustable armrests, and distinctive patterns with a mix of lines and geometric shapes for added style and comfort.
Three gaming chairs from Secretlab in different designs and colors: a light blue chair with white and dark blue accents, a black and red chair with a sleek design, and a dark purple chair with sci-fi-themed graphics.

Valorant Kollektion

Erlebe mit der offiziellen Secretlab VALORANT Kollektion ein Setup, das ALLE GRENZEN SPRENGT.
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Fanart-Wallpaper von Luzdanaee herunterladen
