Unisciti alla Battaglia degli Antichi.

Domina sul tuo percorso con la sedia Secretlab TITAN Evo Dota 2 Edition, progettata per il sostegno professionale anche mentre penetri nella base del tuo avversario e distruggi il suo Antico.


Sedie da gaming

edizione Dota 2

Imbottite in similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™
Disponibili nelle misure Small, Regular e XL

Two Secretlab gaming chairs in gray with red accents. Both chairs feature the Dota 2 logo prominently on the backrest and the words 'Secret Lab' on the headrest. One chair is shown from the front and the other from the back, both with ergonomic design and adjustable armrests.
Logos of 'Secret Lab' on the left and 'The International Dota 2 Championships' on the right. The 'Secret Lab' logo displays a stylized emblem and text, while 'The International Dota 2 Championships' logo incorporates the game's logo and stars beneath the text.

Secretlab torna a sostenere il più grande torneo di Dota 2 con la sedia ufficiale The International 12 Edition — un design esclusivo che celebra i livelli più alti di Dota 2 e i migliori giocatori al mondo.

Seleziona una versione

Edizione The International 13 Edizione The International 12 Edizione The International 11 Edizione The International 10 Edizione The International 9
A white logo with a quill inside a square above stylized, cursive text that reads 'International Quill Writers', followed by smaller uppercase text that reads 'since 1992' on a dark background.
Edizione The International
Edizione The International 13
Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Edizione The International 12
Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Edizione The International 11
Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Edizione The International 10
Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Edizione The International 9
Tessuto Secretlab SoftWeave®

Secretlab logo next to The International Dota 2 Championships logo. The Secretlab logo consists of a stylized triangle design, while The International logo includes stylized cursive text and the Dota 2 emblem.

Secretlab torna a sostenere il più grande torneo di Dota 2 con la sedia ufficiale The International 12 Edition — un design esclusivo che celebra i livelli più alti di Dota 2 e i migliori giocatori al mondo.

Two gaming chairs with black and green coloration adorned with gold accents. The chairs feature the “The International” and “Secret Lab” logos, customizable armrests, and ergonomic design for enhanced comfort. One chair faces forward, and the other shows the back.
Two black gaming chairs branded with Secretlab logos and 'The International 2022' design. The chairs have blue patterned accents and adjustable armrests. One chair is shown from the front, and the other from the back, displaying the logos and designs clearly.
Two gaming chairs are displayed, featuring black upholstery with red accents. The backrests have 'The International Dota 2 Championships' logo, and the 'Secretlab' brand name is visible on both. The chairs have adjustable armrests and a sleek, ergonomic design.
Two black Secretlab gaming chairs are shown, both featuring gold accents and text. The chair on the left displays decorative dots and lines on the backrest, while the chair on the right showcases 'The International Dota 2 Championships' in gold lettering on its backrest.
A black and purple ergonomic gaming chair with adjustable armrests, a high backrest, and a five-wheel base. The chair features 'The International' logo on the headrest and backrest, indicating it is a special edition.
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Ci vediamo in Danimarca
Dal 13 al 15 Settembre, vieni al nostro stand alla Royal Arena di Copenaghen mentre gli otto team migliori saliranno sul palco. Goditi sconti esclusivi e attività da fare sul posto — e portati a casa i nostri cuscini lombari Dota 2 Collection, per il sostegno più morbido durante il gioco.

Vieni a trovarci al nostro stand
Royal Arena
Hannemanns Allé 18-20, 2300 København
dalle 10:00 fino a chiusura

SECRETLAB Cuscino lombare in memory foam

Collezione Dota 2

Difendi il tuo antico con un sostegno tanto temibile quanto adorabile. Con Puck, Tidehunter, Snapfire, o Roshan al tuo fianco, niente potrà intralciarti la strada.

Four plush square toys are displayed in a row. From left to right: a green toy with red eyes and large teeth, a blue toy with antennae and a wide smile, an orange toy with small horns and a cheerful expression, and a gray toy with yellow eyes and bared teeth.
Four square plush toys shaped like mythical creatures. From left to right: a green serpent with a large mouth, a blue creature with antennae and a wide smile, an orange dragon with horns and a toothy grin, and a gray monster with multiple yellow eyes.
Secretlab x Dota 2
Leggi il comunicato stampa
The image displays the logo of Valve Corporation, featuring the word 'VALVE' in uppercase, bold, white letters against a transparent background. The letter 'E' has a line extending from its lower right corner. Official Valve Corporation Licensed Product © 2025 Valve Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Valve and related trademarks are the property of Valve Corporation.
