Partner ufficiale sedia per gaming

Worlds, MSI, First Stand, LTA North, LEC, LCK
Worlds, MSI, First Stand, LTA North, LEC, LCK Logos


Secretlab è Partner Globale Ufficiale di Lol Esports e sedia da gaming scelta per i tornei più importanti di League of Legends. Da Worlds a MSI, First Stand, e le leghe maggiori come LTA North, LEC e LCK, le sedute Secretlab sostengono i giocatori migliori al mondo mentre fanno la storia. Utilizzata dai team migliori, la Secretlab TITAN Evo offre un'ergonomia professionale dall'allenamento ai palcoscenici più importanti.

msi24 tagline
Two gaming chairs by Secretlab are displayed. The chairs are predominantly black with blue and gray accents. The left chair features the text '24' and 'WOV,' while the right chair has the phrase 'Make Them Believe' prominently printed on the backrest. Two black and white Secret Lab gaming chairs side by side. Both chairs feature the 'Worlds 23' logo, with the one on the right displaying the text 'The Grind, The Glory.' The chairs have adjustable armrests and a sleek design. Two Secretlab gaming chairs featuring a 'Worlds 2022' design. The chairs are primarily black, white, and blue. Each chair has adjustable armrests, a high back with lumbar support, and the event logo prominently displayed on the backrest. Two ergonomic gaming chairs from Secret Lab, adorned in a white and blue design. One chair is angled to show a 'Worlds 2021' logo with an eye-catching design on the backrest, while the other chair highlights detailed patterns on its front. Both are set on black wheeled bases. Two blue and black Secretlab gaming chairs with adjustable armrests displayed side by side. The chairs feature branded logos and designs, including an icon on the backrest and various patterns on the seat and back areas. Two ergonomic gaming chairs with beige and dark blue accents are positioned side by side. Each chair features the League of Legends Championship logo on the backrest. The chairs have adjustable armrests, seat height, and a sturdy five-wheel base. Two gaming chairs from Secretlab's collaboration with MSI 2024. The front chair features red and black accents with 'MSI 2024' printed on the backrest. The rear chair has a bold red dragon logo and the words 'Become the Unknown' in red text on a predominantly black background. Two gaming chairs with black, white, and red designs. The left chair has a wing-like pattern and the logo 'Secret Lab.' The right chair, seen from behind, features the word 'Defy' in an artistic font and additional decorative elements. Both chairs have armrests and wheels. Two black gaming chairs with intricate teal and white designs. The left chair displays 'MSI 2022' with logo and 'Busan, South Korea.' The chairs have padded armrests, high backs, and tilt mechanisms, all set against a white background. Two gaming chairs with black, green, and white designs. Both have armrests, adjustable seats, and black five-point wheeled bases. The chair on the left features a flame logo, and the one on the right has large text that reads 'BRO' with additional markings. They are branded 'Secret Lab. Secretlab First Stand 2025 Edition gaming chairs Two black ergonomic gaming chairs with gold accents. The left chair features a sophisticated design with intricate patterns, while the right chair displays bold graphics and text reading 'MID-SEASON INVITATIONAL.' Both chairs have adjustable armrests and sturdy bases. Two gaming chairs with 'League Championship Series' logos. The chair on the left is black with purple accents and has armrests, while the chair on the right is primarily black with the same logo, showing the back view. Both are designed by Secretlab. Two black and white gaming chairs with blue and gold accents, featuring the LCS logo. The chairs have adjustable armrests, seat height, and backrest, both equipped with wheels and lumbar support. The brand name, Secretlab, is visible on the headrest. Two Secretlab gaming chairs with LCK logos on the front and back. The chairs are predominantly black with white accents. The design features ergonomic support and adjustable armrests, positioned on five caster wheels for mobility. Two gaming chairs with matching designs, featuring teal and dark blue colors. The chairs have 'Secret Lab' and 'League of Legends European Championship' branding. The backrests display stylized logos and dynamic patterns, with ergonomic features and adjustable armrests. Two ergonomic gaming chairs are side by side. Both chairs are predominantly black with teal accents and feature a distinctive claw mark design on the backrest. The chairs have adjustable armrests and sturdy wheeled bases. Logos are visible on the headrests.

Seleziona una versione

Worlds 2024 Worlds 2023 Worlds 2022 Worlds 2021 Worlds 2020 Worlds 2019 MSI 2024 MSI 2023 MSI 2022 MSI 2021 MSI 2019 FST 2025 LCS 2021 LCS 2020 LCK 2021 LEC 2021 LEC 2020 Edizione
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Worlds logo
Worlds Edition
MSI logo
MSI Edition
First Stand logo
FST Edition
LCS logo
LCS Edition
LCK logo
LCK Edition
LEC logo
LEC Edition
Worlds 2024 Edizione

Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

Worlds 2023 Edizione

Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

Worlds 2022 Edizione

Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

Worlds 2021 Edizione

Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

Worlds 2020 Edizione

Secretlab Similpelle PRIME™ 2.0

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

Worlds 2019 Edizione

Secretlab Similpelle PRIME™ 2.0

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

MSI 2024 Edizione

Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

MSI 2023 Edizione

Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

MSI 2022 Edizione

Tessuto SoftWeave® Plus Secretlab

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

MSI 2021 Edizione

Secretlab Similpelle PRIME™ 2.0

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

MSI 2019 Edizione

Secretlab Similpelle PRIME™ 2.0

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

FST 2025 Edizione

Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Attualmente non in vendita

LCS 2021 Edizione

Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

LCS 2020 Edizione

Secretlab Similpelle PRIME™ 2.0

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

LCK 2021 Edizione

Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

LEC 2021 Edizione

Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

LEC 2020 Edizione

Secretlab Similpelle PRIME™ 2.0

Attualmente non disponibile nella tua regione

"Per oltre cinque anni, i professionisti di League of Legends Esports si sono affidati alle sedie pluripremiate Secretlab per soddisfare i loro bisogni e offrire comodità e prestazioni ottimali a ogni livello di competizione. Nessun altro marchio è più fidato di questo per andare incontro alle richieste dei nostri migliori giocatori a livello mondiale."

Chris Greeley
Capo Globale di LoL Esports, Riot Games

“Collaborare con i team di e-Sport più prestigiosi per fornire loro le sedie per i tornei internazionali è esattamente il motivo per il quale abbiamo fondato Secretlab: creare la migliore esperienza di seduta per i giocatori grazie alla progettazione di altissimo livello e all’utilizzo dei materiali più pregiati. Siamo incredibilmente orgogliosi di fornire le nostre sedie ultra-comode per soddisfare gli standard richiesti dai giocatori professionisti di League of Legends più abili al mondo per il 2019 e oltre.

Ian Alexander Ang
Cofondatore e Amministratore delegato di Secretlab


Collezione League of Legends

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Acquista Ora
A row of seven gaming chairs, each with unique designs and colors, are displayed. The designs include intricate symbols, patterns, and artwork. The chairs are set against a plain background, showcasing their features and individual styles. A variety of eight gaming chairs are displayed in two rows. Each chair features unique designs inspired by different themes, including weapons, animals, and fantasy symbols. The colors range from black and red to white and blue, featuring intricate patterns and logos.

Arcane Collection

In una città divisa, prendi posizione con l'attrezzatura ergonomica, con licenza ufficiale, ispirata alla serie animata acclamata dalla critica.
Acquista Ora

Foto/immagini per gentile concessione di Riot Games.
