Collezione Secretlab Overwatch®

Bisogna combattere per il futuro. Unisciti alla battaglia con la Collezione Secretlab Overwatch®, che prevede tutte le caratteristiche ergonomiche pluripremiate presenti nella Secretlab TITAN Evo. Raduna la tua squadra per catturare gli obiettivi — e resta al comando.

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Two ergonomic gaming chairs with red, white, and light blue accents designed by Secretlab. The front chair features unique symbols and patterns. The rear chair displays a fox graphic with additional markings. Both chairs are adjustable with black bases.
Two ergonomic gaming chairs from Secretlab are shown. The left chair has a gray and black design with green accents, while the right chair has a black base with a neon green dragon pattern on the backrest. Both chairs have adjustable armrests and wheels at the base.
A pair of gaming chairs with ergonomic designs, featuring vibrant color schemes. The front chair has a white and orange pattern with light blue accents, while the back chair has a white, blue, and orange pattern with a circular design on the backrest.
A pink gaming chair by Secret Lab themed after the gaming character D.Va. The chair features a bunny logo on both the seat back and the headrest, logos on the side, and adjustable armrests. The design incorporates black accents and logos from the game Overwatch.
Two gaming chairs are displayed, designed with the 'Overwatch' video game theme. The chairs feature black and orange color accents and the 'Overwatch' logo. Both chairs have high backs, adjustable armrests, and a sturdy base with caster wheels.

Kiriko Genji Tracer Overwatch Edizione

Rivestimento in Similpelle ibrida Secretlab NEO™Tessuto SoftWeave® Plus SecretlabAttualmente non disponibile nella tua regioneAttualmente non disponibile nella tua regioneDisponibile nelle taglie RegularDisponibile nelle taglie Regular
Base della seduta a ciottolo brevettata
Sistema di supporto lombare a 4 direzioni L-ADAPT™ in attesa di brevetto
Cuscino magnetico per la testa in memory foam
Braccioli 4D completamente in metallo con sistema di sostituzione CloudSwap™
Acquista OraAcquista OraAcquista Ora
Overwatch border corner line
Overwatch border corner line
Overwatch border corner line
Overwatch border corner line
Overwatch border corner line
Overwatch border corner line

Secretlab X Overwatch®

Cuscino lombare in memory foam Pachimari edition

Metà cipolla, metà polpo. 100% tenerezza. Non lasciare che lo prenda il Roadhog!

Acquista Ora
A pink lumbar cushion featuring a white, cartoon-like character with a happy face and green, tentacle-like legs. The cushion has the 'Secret Lab' logo on the side and another logo resembling a stylized 'O' with two split marks on the top left.
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