Vi laver de bedste gamingstole på planeten

Gå fra arbejde til gaming og alt imellem

Vores ergonomiske stole og borde er designet til at fremme bevægelse og skabe en sundere rutine. Sammen med ergonomiske konsulenter og eksperter i biomekanik, fysioterapi og mere, har vi designet Secretlab TITAN Evo til, at levere responsiv komfort der bevæger sig sammen med dig. Sammen med vores MAGNUS Pro hæve-sænkebord, kan du skabe et setup der fungerer både til arbejde og spil.

standing desk

Ergonomisk design til nutidens gamere, skabere og hybridarbejdere

Vores prisbelønnede sæder er ergonomisk udformet til at støtte dig på tværs af flere aktiviteter. For i dag bør ingen købe en stol, der er bygget til kun én opgave. Uanset om du er vært for et møde eller dukker op på serveren, føler du dig bedre end nogensinde før med komfort, der tilpasser sig dig.

A person is sitting in a gaming chair, wearing headphones and using a computer with two monitors. They are holding the keyboard and mouse, focused on a game displayed on the screens. A microphone, game controller, and other gaming accessories are on the desk.
A modern office setup featuring a grey ergonomic gaming chair in front of a sleek desk with a large monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The room has contemporary furniture, including a black couch and a stylish lamp, with sticky notes on a partition.

Brugt af de bedste i branchen

A gamer wearing a headset and a black and white jersey is sitting in a gaming chair, raising his fist and shouting in excitement while looking at a computer screen. The background is blurred with a red and black theme. A gamer wearing a headset and a black and white jersey is sitting in a gaming chair, raising his fist and shouting in excitement while looking at a computer screen. The background is blurred with a red and black theme.
A person wearing a black cap and jacket sits in a gaming chair with distinctive branding, including a logo of a mouse face. The person has a slight smile and a neck tattoo, and is in a dimly lit room with a focused expression. A person wearing a black cap and jacket sits in a gaming chair with distinctive branding, including a logo of a mouse face. The person has a slight smile and a neck tattoo, and is in a dimly lit room with a focused expression.
A person in glasses and a black jacket sits in a red and white gaming chair with the logo 'Secret Lab' and 'T1.' They appear focused, with a wood-paneled wall in the background. A person in glasses and a black jacket sits in a red and white gaming chair with the logo 'Secret Lab' and 'T1.' They appear focused, with a wood-paneled wall in the background.
A man with light skin, bald and gray hair, wearing a black leather jacket, sits on a high-back chair branded 'Secretlab.' He is smiling and resting his chin on his left hand. The background includes various music equipment and synthesizers. A man with light skin, bald and gray hair, wearing a black leather jacket, sits on a high-back chair branded 'Secretlab.' He is smiling and resting his chin on his left hand. The background includes various music equipment and synthesizers.
A person wearing headphones and a red jersey with black stripes is sitting at a gaming setup, playing on a computer. There are three colorful drink cups on the desk. The person appears focused, with both hands on the keyboard and mouse. A person wearing headphones and a red jersey with black stripes is sitting at a gaming setup, playing on a computer. There are three colorful drink cups on the desk. The person appears focused, with both hands on the keyboard and mouse.
A person with short dark hair is sitting on a purple gaming chair branded with 'Paper Rex' and 'Secret Lab.' They are smiling and giving a thumbs-up, visible over the backrest of the chair. The person is wearing a colorful shirt with various patterns. A person with short dark hair is sitting on a purple gaming chair branded with 'Paper Rex' and 'Secret Lab.' They are smiling and giving a thumbs-up, visible over the backrest of the chair. The person is wearing a colorful shirt with various patterns.
A man with short gray hair and a beard, dressed in a black polo shirt and jeans, is seated at a desk with a computer keyboard. He is smiling and looking at the camera. The room is lit with a blue glow. The desk features a stylized design and logos. A man with short gray hair and a beard, dressed in a black polo shirt and jeans, is seated at a desk with a computer keyboard. He is smiling and looking at the camera. The room is lit with a blue glow. The desk features a stylized design and logos.
A gamer wearing a headset and a black and white jersey is sitting in a gaming chair, raising his fist and shouting in excitement while looking at a computer screen. The background is blurred with a red and black theme. A gamer wearing a headset and a black and white jersey is sitting in a gaming chair, raising his fist and shouting in excitement while looking at a computer screen. The background is blurred with a red and black theme.
A person wearing a black cap and jacket sits in a gaming chair with distinctive branding, including a logo of a mouse face. The person has a slight smile and a neck tattoo, and is in a dimly lit room with a focused expression. A person wearing a black cap and jacket sits in a gaming chair with distinctive branding, including a logo of a mouse face. The person has a slight smile and a neck tattoo, and is in a dimly lit room with a focused expression.
A person in glasses and a black jacket sits in a red and white gaming chair with the logo 'Secret Lab' and 'T1.' They appear focused, with a wood-paneled wall in the background. A person in glasses and a black jacket sits in a red and white gaming chair with the logo 'Secret Lab' and 'T1.' They appear focused, with a wood-paneled wall in the background.
A man with light skin, bald and gray hair, wearing a black leather jacket, sits on a high-back chair branded 'Secretlab.' He is smiling and resting his chin on his left hand. The background includes various music equipment and synthesizers. A man with light skin, bald and gray hair, wearing a black leather jacket, sits on a high-back chair branded 'Secretlab.' He is smiling and resting his chin on his left hand. The background includes various music equipment and synthesizers.
A person wearing headphones and a red jersey with black stripes is sitting at a gaming setup, playing on a computer. There are three colorful drink cups on the desk. The person appears focused, with both hands on the keyboard and mouse. A person wearing headphones and a red jersey with black stripes is sitting at a gaming setup, playing on a computer. There are three colorful drink cups on the desk. The person appears focused, with both hands on the keyboard and mouse.
A person with short dark hair is sitting on a purple gaming chair branded with 'Paper Rex' and 'Secret Lab.' They are smiling and giving a thumbs-up, visible over the backrest of the chair. The person is wearing a colorful shirt with various patterns. A person with short dark hair is sitting on a purple gaming chair branded with 'Paper Rex' and 'Secret Lab.' They are smiling and giving a thumbs-up, visible over the backrest of the chair. The person is wearing a colorful shirt with various patterns.
A man with short gray hair and a beard, dressed in a black polo shirt and jeans, is seated at a desk with a computer keyboard. He is smiling and looking at the camera. The room is lit with a blue glow. The desk features a stylized design and logos. A man with short gray hair and a beard, dressed in a black polo shirt and jeans, is seated at a desk with a computer keyboard. He is smiling and looking at the camera. The room is lit with a blue glow. The desk features a stylized design and logos.
"Secretlab stole er en nødvendig del af mit performance værktøjssæt og lader mig fokusere på hvad, der virkelig betyder noget: at vinde."
A person wearing glasses and a black hoodie sits on a red and white gaming chair with a 'Secret Lab' logo. The setting appears to be indoors, likely in a gaming or esports environment.

Lee ‘Faker’ Sang-hyeok

T1 | 5x League of Legends Verdensmester

Konstrueret prisvindende komfort

A racing gaming chair by Secretlab, featuring a sleek black design with the Secretlab logo and branding. The chair is equipped with robotic arms and hydraulic mechanisms, adding a high-tech, mechanical element to the setup.
Close-up of a dark-colored Secretlab gaming chair featuring the Secretlab logo and 'TT' symbol stitched in gold. The material appears smooth and reflective, suggesting a premium finish. The background is a soft blur, placing full focus on the chair's details.
Close-up of two different black textures side-by-side. The left side displays a cracked leather pattern, resembling a spider web, while the right side shows a smooth, pebbled leather surface. The contrast highlights the distinct differences between the textures.
A person in a light gray sweater and jeans is reclining in an office chair with their eyes closed and hands resting on their stomach. The scene appears to be in a modern office or home office with another empty chair and desks in the background.
A racing gaming chair by Secretlab, featuring a sleek black design with the Secretlab logo and branding. The chair is equipped with robotic arms and hydraulic mechanisms, adding a high-tech, mechanical element to the setup.

Mere end 25.000 timers forskning og udvikling, over 900 prototyper og et team af eksperter i verdensklasse indenfor design og udvikling. Vi er besatte af hver en detalje på vores stol og at finjustere den til at yde sit bedste.

Close-up of a dark-colored Secretlab gaming chair featuring the Secretlab logo and 'TT' symbol stitched in gold. The material appears smooth and reflective, suggesting a premium finish. The background is a soft blur, placing full focus on the chair's details.

Vores stole har været udsat for omfatttende tests, i henhold til målepinde fastsat af internationale standarder og er blevet skubbet ud over grænserne i omgivelser der overgår alt hvad de vil møde i den virkelige verden. Alt sammen for at sikre urivaliceret holdbarhed og ydeevne.

A person in a light gray sweater and jeans is reclining in an office chair with their eyes closed and hands resting on their stomach. The scene appears to be in a modern office or home office with another empty chair and desks in the background.

Bygget til at gå distancen. Sov trygt med op til 5 års udvidet garanti på vores ergonomiske stole og hæve-sænkeborde.

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Vis hvem du virkelig er

Skill dig ud med design, der er inspireret af dine yndlingsspil, shows, superhelte og meget mere. Med et unikt sæde for enhver personlighed, udtryk dig selv uden nogensinde at gå på kompromis med ydeevnen.

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Tag plads i førersædet.
Secretlab x Gundam gamingstol Secretlab x Gundam gamingstol

Det ultimative præstationssæde. Betroet af mestre.

De professionelles foretrukne valg af komfort på verdensscenen.
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The image shows the logo for 'LoL Esports' in white text with a stylized 'O' that incorporates an arrow pointing to the right, creating a dynamic visual effect. The background is black, making the white logo stand out prominently.
The image shows the 'Valorant Champions' logo, featuring the word 'Valorant' above the larger word 'Champions' in a bold, gold font with stylized, sharp edges and accent lines emanating from the text.
The International Dota 2 Championships logo featuring the text 'The International' in an elegant script font, with 'Dota 2 Championships' in uppercase letters beneath it. Above the text is the Dota 2 logo, and five red stars are situated below the text.
White geometric logo features two mirrored 'M' shapes forming an arrow pointing downward, alongside the text 'MAJOR I PGL ANTWERP 2022' in a modern, bold font, set against a black background.
A large, packed stadium is filled with spectators watching a live esports event. Multiple large screens display the gameplay while the crowd cheers and focuses intently. The atmosphere is electric with vibrant lighting and a high energy ambiance.

Bliv inspireret af Secretlab-opsætninger fra vores fællesskab

For en chance for at blive fremhævet, tag @Secretlab og #Secretlab på Instagram.

Secretlab Forskel

blev oprettet i 2014, og dermed omdefinerede Secretlab en hel branche, og folks mening om gamingstole.

Secretlab Chair Icon

Nådesløs jagt på det bedste

Ledet af vores grundlæggere Ian og Alaric - begge tidligere professionelle spillere - har vi bygget et team af specialistdesignere i verdensklasse og ingeniører hos Secretlab, der arbejder utrætteligt i jagten på planetens bedste præstationsmæssige gamingstol.

Piggy Bank icon to represent Direct Pricing

Ingen mellemmænd. Ingen unødvendige avancer. Al værdi til dig.

Vi holder dine omkostninger nede ved at sælge online direkte til dig. En så holdbar gamerstol solgt uden mellemmænd som ikke er en del af vores forretning, betyder at du får maksimal værdi direkte fra vores laboratorium til dit hjem. Det garanterer vi.

Icon with person seated on chair with checklist

Målrettet design støttet af ergonomi

En ergonomisk stol migrerer stress fra væv til væv for at forhindre, at den opbygges på et enkelt punkt. Hver funktion af vores gaming stol er omhyggeligt designet til at tilskynde til naturlig bevægelse, mens du skifter i din stol i løbet af dagen, samtidig med at de giver fuld ergonomisk støtte.

Secretlab Chair Icon

Nådesløs jagt på det bedste

Ledet af vores grundlæggere Ian og Alaric - begge tidligere professionelle spillere - har vi bygget et team af specialistdesignere i verdensklasse og ingeniører hos Secretlab, der arbejder utrætteligt i jagten på planetens bedste præstationsmæssige gamingstol.


Secretlab TITAN Evo

Vores mest avancerede ergonomiske stol

Ergonomisk udformet til at understøtte dine længste dage, i enhver stilling.

A sleek white gaming chair and a black gaming chair are side by side on a reflective surface. The chairs feature ergonomic designs with adjustable armrests and high backs, set against a dark gradient background. A white and a black ergonomic gaming chair are placed side by side against a dark gradient background. Both chairs feature high backs, armrests, and wheels, designed for comfort and support.

TITAN Evo NanoGen™ Edition er ude nu.

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Three ergonomic gaming chairs are displayed in a row. From left to right, the chairs are pink with white accents, black with gold accents, and white with black accents. Each chair features a high back, adjustable armrests, and wheeled bases.
A sleek white gaming chair and a black gaming chair are side by side on a reflective surface. The chairs feature ergonomic designs with adjustable armrests and high backs, set against a dark gradient background. A white and a black ergonomic gaming chair are placed side by side against a dark gradient background. Both chairs feature high backs, armrests, and wheels, designed for comfort and support.

TITAN Evo NanoGen™ Edition er ude nu.

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Secretlab TITAN Evo Lite

Alle kernefunktionerne, for mindre.

De mest essentielle funktioner fra topmodel TITAN Evo, til en mere overkommelig pris.

Two Secretlab gaming chairs, one in black and the other in light gray, are shown. Both chairs have adjustable armrests, high backrests with headrests, and rolling wheels. The Secretlab logo is visible at the top of the backrests.
Secretlab SKINS

Din helt nye stol igen

Slip på. Sæt ind. Lynlås op. Så nemt er det at ændre udseendet på din TITAN Evo.

Back view of a Secretlab TITAN Evo gaming chair with a light purple fabric cover. The chair features adjustable armrests and an ergonomic design, combining comfort with aesthetic appeal.


Secretlab MAGNUS PRO

Performance, der gør sig gældende


Verdens bedste kabelstyringssystem. Nu elektrificeret.

A black gaming desk setup with two large monitors displaying a blue spiral design. The desk features RGB lighting along the edges, a mechanical keyboard, a mouse, and two speakers. Headphones and a computer tower are positioned on and under the desk respectively.
Secretlab MAGNUS

Oplev en ny måde at organisere sig på

Det typiske, moderne metal skrivebord til arbejde, leg og alt derimellem.

Sleek, black rectangular table with minimalist legs, featuring subtle multicolor LED lighting along the edges. The modern design and clean lines offer a sophisticated look.
Secretlab Bordtilbehør

Modulært, sikkert og let at bruge

Forøg produktivitet og ydeevne med vores eksklusive tilføjelser.

The image displays a set of black and red plastic components, including two long rectangular covers, three small red rectangular pieces, and one small black rectangular piece. The arrangement suggests they are parts of a modular assembly kit.

Tilbehør til Secretlab

Secretlab SKINS

Opfrisk din stol

Udforsk en ny verden af stoletilpasning med frisk æstetik og 360 graders beskyttelse.

Three Secretlab gaming chairs in different styles and colors are displayed - a teal and black Titan, a pink and black Titan, and a gray and black Secretlab chair. Each is shown from various angles, including side and reclined views, as well as close-ups of the armrests.
Secretlab Stoletilbehør

Personliggør din Secretlab siddeoplevelse

Sid som du vil med eksklusivt tilbehør og ekstraudstyr til din stol.

Two black, rectangular elbow pads are displayed against a white background. They have a soft, cushioned surface designed to provide ergonomic support and comfort, typically used for keyboards or desks. One pad has a slight cutout on one side.
Secretlab fodlæn og hældningstilføjelse
Læg dine fødder til rette

Nyd dedikeret ergonomisk støtte til dine ben og fødder.

A black gaming chair with red stitching and gold accents features adjustable armrests, a reclining backrest, and a retractable footrest. The chair is set on a five-wheel base.

Læs hvad vores 3.000.000+ kunder har at sige om Secretlab

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Baseret på 52709 anmeldelser
Hurtig, direkte forsendelse

For at give dig den allerbedste oplevelse sender vi hvert Secretlab-produkt direkte til dig. Få hurtigere svar og større besparelser uden prisforhøjelse fra forhandlere eller distributører.

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Ofte stillede spørgsmål

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Ofte stillede spørgsmål
Mulighed for fleksibel finansiering

Betal for dit køb i 4 rentefrie afdrag med Splitit.

Få mere at vide om Splitit
Two Secretlab Titan gaming chairs are displayed on a transparent background. One chair is black with visible branding and armrests, while the other chair is light gray, showing its back with additional branding and detailed stitching. Three gaming chairs are shown. From left to right: a black Secretlab TITAN, a light gray Secretlab TITAN, a yellow Secretlab Lumbar, and a black Secretlab K/DA All Out Edition. All chairs have adjustable armrests and are designed for ergonomic support.

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