Produciamo le sedie da gaming migliori del pianeta

Passa dal lavoro al gioco e tutto ciò che c'è nel mezzo

Le nostre sedie e scrivanie ergonomiche sono create per incoraggiare il movimento, per una routine più salutare. Insieme a consulenti sull'ergonomia ed esperti in biomeccanica, fisioterapia, e altro, abbiamo creato la Secretlab TITAN Evo per offrire una comodità reattiva che si muove insieme a te, qualsiasi cosa tu faccia. Insieme alle scrivanie sit-to-stand MAGNUS Pro, crea una postazione che ti permette di passare dal lavoro al gioco, senza perdere un colpo.

standing desk

Il design ergonomico per i gamer, creatori e lavoratori ibridi di oggi

Le nostre sedute pluripremiate sono prodotte ergonomicamente per sostenerti durante ogni tua attività. Perché, al giorno d'oggi, nessuno dovrebbe acquistare una sedia che ha un unico scopo. Che tu sia in riunione o ti stia divertendo sul server, sentiti a tuo agio con una comodità che si adatta a te.

A person is sitting in a gaming chair, wearing headphones and using a computer with two monitors. They are holding the keyboard and mouse, focused on a game displayed on the screens. A microphone, game controller, and other gaming accessories are on the desk.
A modern office setup featuring a grey ergonomic gaming chair in front of a sleek desk with a large monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The room has contemporary furniture, including a black couch and a stylish lamp, with sticky notes on a partition.

Scelta dal meglio del settore

A gamer wearing a headset and a black and white jersey is sitting in a gaming chair, raising his fist and shouting in excitement while looking at a computer screen. The background is blurred with a red and black theme. A gamer wearing a headset and a black and white jersey is sitting in a gaming chair, raising his fist and shouting in excitement while looking at a computer screen. The background is blurred with a red and black theme.
A person wearing a black cap and jacket sits in a gaming chair with distinctive branding, including a logo of a mouse face. The person has a slight smile and a neck tattoo, and is in a dimly lit room with a focused expression. A person wearing a black cap and jacket sits in a gaming chair with distinctive branding, including a logo of a mouse face. The person has a slight smile and a neck tattoo, and is in a dimly lit room with a focused expression.
A person in glasses and a black jacket sits in a red and white gaming chair with the logo 'Secret Lab' and 'T1.' They appear focused, with a wood-paneled wall in the background. A person in glasses and a black jacket sits in a red and white gaming chair with the logo 'Secret Lab' and 'T1.' They appear focused, with a wood-paneled wall in the background.
A man with light skin, bald and gray hair, wearing a black leather jacket, sits on a high-back chair branded 'Secretlab.' He is smiling and resting his chin on his left hand. The background includes various music equipment and synthesizers. A man with light skin, bald and gray hair, wearing a black leather jacket, sits on a high-back chair branded 'Secretlab.' He is smiling and resting his chin on his left hand. The background includes various music equipment and synthesizers.
A person wearing headphones and a red jersey with black stripes is sitting at a gaming setup, playing on a computer. There are three colorful drink cups on the desk. The person appears focused, with both hands on the keyboard and mouse. A person wearing headphones and a red jersey with black stripes is sitting at a gaming setup, playing on a computer. There are three colorful drink cups on the desk. The person appears focused, with both hands on the keyboard and mouse.
A person with short dark hair is sitting on a purple gaming chair branded with 'Paper Rex' and 'Secret Lab.' They are smiling and giving a thumbs-up, visible over the backrest of the chair. The person is wearing a colorful shirt with various patterns. A person with short dark hair is sitting on a purple gaming chair branded with 'Paper Rex' and 'Secret Lab.' They are smiling and giving a thumbs-up, visible over the backrest of the chair. The person is wearing a colorful shirt with various patterns.
A man with short gray hair and a beard, dressed in a black polo shirt and jeans, is seated at a desk with a computer keyboard. He is smiling and looking at the camera. The room is lit with a blue glow. The desk features a stylized design and logos. A man with short gray hair and a beard, dressed in a black polo shirt and jeans, is seated at a desk with a computer keyboard. He is smiling and looking at the camera. The room is lit with a blue glow. The desk features a stylized design and logos.
A gamer wearing a headset and a black and white jersey is sitting in a gaming chair, raising his fist and shouting in excitement while looking at a computer screen. The background is blurred with a red and black theme. A gamer wearing a headset and a black and white jersey is sitting in a gaming chair, raising his fist and shouting in excitement while looking at a computer screen. The background is blurred with a red and black theme.
A person wearing a black cap and jacket sits in a gaming chair with distinctive branding, including a logo of a mouse face. The person has a slight smile and a neck tattoo, and is in a dimly lit room with a focused expression. A person wearing a black cap and jacket sits in a gaming chair with distinctive branding, including a logo of a mouse face. The person has a slight smile and a neck tattoo, and is in a dimly lit room with a focused expression.
A person in glasses and a black jacket sits in a red and white gaming chair with the logo 'Secret Lab' and 'T1.' They appear focused, with a wood-paneled wall in the background. A person in glasses and a black jacket sits in a red and white gaming chair with the logo 'Secret Lab' and 'T1.' They appear focused, with a wood-paneled wall in the background.
A man with light skin, bald and gray hair, wearing a black leather jacket, sits on a high-back chair branded 'Secretlab.' He is smiling and resting his chin on his left hand. The background includes various music equipment and synthesizers. A man with light skin, bald and gray hair, wearing a black leather jacket, sits on a high-back chair branded 'Secretlab.' He is smiling and resting his chin on his left hand. The background includes various music equipment and synthesizers.
A person wearing headphones and a red jersey with black stripes is sitting at a gaming setup, playing on a computer. There are three colorful drink cups on the desk. The person appears focused, with both hands on the keyboard and mouse. A person wearing headphones and a red jersey with black stripes is sitting at a gaming setup, playing on a computer. There are three colorful drink cups on the desk. The person appears focused, with both hands on the keyboard and mouse.
A person with short dark hair is sitting on a purple gaming chair branded with 'Paper Rex' and 'Secret Lab.' They are smiling and giving a thumbs-up, visible over the backrest of the chair. The person is wearing a colorful shirt with various patterns. A person with short dark hair is sitting on a purple gaming chair branded with 'Paper Rex' and 'Secret Lab.' They are smiling and giving a thumbs-up, visible over the backrest of the chair. The person is wearing a colorful shirt with various patterns.
A man with short gray hair and a beard, dressed in a black polo shirt and jeans, is seated at a desk with a computer keyboard. He is smiling and looking at the camera. The room is lit with a blue glow. The desk features a stylized design and logos. A man with short gray hair and a beard, dressed in a black polo shirt and jeans, is seated at a desk with a computer keyboard. He is smiling and looking at the camera. The room is lit with a blue glow. The desk features a stylized design and logos.
"Le sedie Secretlab sono parte fondamentale delle mie prestazioni, permettendomi di concentrarmi sulla cosa davvero importante: la vittoria."
A person wearing glasses and a black hoodie sits on a red and white gaming chair with a 'Secret Lab' logo. The setting appears to be indoors, likely in a gaming or esports environment.

Lee ‘Faker’ Sang-hyeok

T1 | 5x Campione mondiale di League of Legends

Comodità e ingegneria Pluripremiata

A racing gaming chair by Secretlab, featuring a sleek black design with the Secretlab logo and branding. The chair is equipped with robotic arms and hydraulic mechanisms, adding a high-tech, mechanical element to the setup.
Close-up of a dark-colored Secretlab gaming chair featuring the Secretlab logo and 'TT' symbol stitched in gold. The material appears smooth and reflective, suggesting a premium finish. The background is a soft blur, placing full focus on the chair's details.
Close-up of two different black textures side-by-side. The left side displays a cracked leather pattern, resembling a spider web, while the right side shows a smooth, pebbled leather surface. The contrast highlights the distinct differences between the textures.
A person in a light gray sweater and jeans is reclining in an office chair with their eyes closed and hands resting on their stomach. The scene appears to be in a modern office or home office with another empty chair and desks in the background.
A racing gaming chair by Secretlab, featuring a sleek black design with the Secretlab logo and branding. The chair is equipped with robotic arms and hydraulic mechanisms, adding a high-tech, mechanical element to the setup.

Oltre 25.000 ore di ricerca e sviluppo, più di 900 prototipi, e un team di esperti di prim'ordine nel settore del design e dell'ingegneria. Ogni centimetro della nostra sedia ci ossessiona, come anche la progettazione e la rifinitura per rendere la seduta perfetta su cui sedere per le migliori prestazioni.

Close-up of a dark-colored Secretlab gaming chair featuring the Secretlab logo and 'TT' symbol stitched in gold. The material appears smooth and reflective, suggesting a premium finish. The background is a soft blur, placing full focus on the chair's details.

Le nostre sedie sono sottoposte a test rigorosi, creati da organi con standard riconosciuti a livello internazionale, e poi spinte oltre ogni limite in condizioni che superano di gran lunga qualsiasi cosa potranno mai subire nel mondo reale. Tutto ciò per garantire una resistenza ineguagliabile e massime prestazioni per gli anni a venire.

A person in a light gray sweater and jeans is reclining in an office chair with their eyes closed and hands resting on their stomach. The scene appears to be in a modern office or home office with another empty chair and desks in the background.

Creata per resistere a lungo. Stai tranquillo con una Garanzia Estesa fino a 5 anni sulle nostre sedie ergonomiche e le scrivanie regolabili.

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Dimostra come sei davvero

Distinguiti con i design ispirati ai tuoi giochi, show e supereroi preferiti, e molto altro. Con una seduta unica che si adatta a ogni personalità, lasciandoti esprimere senza compromettere mai le prestazioni.

Visualizza tutte le partnership
Prendi posto in cabina di pilotaggio.
Sedia da Gaming Secretlab x Gundam Sedia da Gaming Secretlab x Gundam

Le prestazioni definitive per una seduta. Scelta dai campioni.

La scelta migliore per una comodità professionale sulla scena mondiale.
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The image shows the logo for 'LoL Esports' in white text with a stylized 'O' that incorporates an arrow pointing to the right, creating a dynamic visual effect. The background is black, making the white logo stand out prominently.
The image shows the 'Valorant Champions' logo, featuring the word 'Valorant' above the larger word 'Champions' in a bold, gold font with stylized, sharp edges and accent lines emanating from the text.
The International Dota 2 Championships logo featuring the text 'The International' in an elegant script font, with 'Dota 2 Championships' in uppercase letters beneath it. Above the text is the Dota 2 logo, and five red stars are situated below the text.
White geometric logo features two mirrored 'M' shapes forming an arrow pointing downward, alongside the text 'MAJOR I PGL ANTWERP 2022' in a modern, bold font, set against a black background.
A large, packed stadium is filled with spectators watching a live esports event. Multiple large screens display the gameplay while the crowd cheers and focuses intently. The atmosphere is electric with vibrant lighting and a high energy ambiance.

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La Differenza Secretlab

Fondata nel 2014, Secretlab ha ridefinito un intero settore e ciò che le persone pensano delle sedie da gaming.

Secretlab Chair Icon

La ricerca incessante del meglio

Guidati dai nostri fondatori Ian e Alaric - entrambi ex gamer professionisti - in Secretlab abbiamo creato un team di designer specializzati e ingegneri di livello mondiale che lavorano costantemente alla ricerca della sedia da gaming dalle prestazioni migliori al mondo.

Piggy Bank icon to represent Direct Pricing

Nessun intermediario. Nessun ricarico inutile. Tutto il valore per te.

Manteniamo bassi i costi vendendo online direttamente a te. Una sedia da gaming così resistente venduta senza intermediari che non fanno parte della nostra attività significa ricevere il massimo valore direttamente dal nostro laboratorio a casa tua. E lo garantiamo.

Icon with person seated on chair with checklist

Design mirato sostenuto dall'ergonomia

Una sedia ergonomica trasferisce la pressione da strato a strato per evitare che si accumuli in un unico punto. Ogni caratteristica delle nostre sedie da gaming è progettata per incoraggiare i movimenti naturali mentre ti sposti sulla sedia durante il corso della giornata, fornendo un sostegno ergonomico completo.

Secretlab Chair Icon

La ricerca incessante del meglio

Guidati dai nostri fondatori Ian e Alaric - entrambi ex gamer professionisti - in Secretlab abbiamo creato un team di designer specializzati e ingegneri di livello mondiale che lavorano costantemente alla ricerca della sedia da gaming dalle prestazioni migliori al mondo.

Sedie Secretlab

Secretlab TITAN Evo

La nostra sedia ergonomica più avanzata

Creata ergonomicamente per sostenerti anche nelle giornate più lunghe, in qualsiasi posizione.

A sleek white gaming chair and a black gaming chair are side by side on a reflective surface. The chairs feature ergonomic designs with adjustable armrests and high backs, set against a dark gradient background. A white and a black ergonomic gaming chair are placed side by side against a dark gradient background. Both chairs feature high backs, armrests, and wheels, designed for comfort and support.

TITAN Evo NanoGen™ Edition ora disponibile.

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Three ergonomic gaming chairs are displayed in a row. From left to right, the chairs are pink with white accents, black with gold accents, and white with black accents. Each chair features a high back, adjustable armrests, and wheeled bases.
A sleek white gaming chair and a black gaming chair are side by side on a reflective surface. The chairs feature ergonomic designs with adjustable armrests and high backs, set against a dark gradient background. A white and a black ergonomic gaming chair are placed side by side against a dark gradient background. Both chairs feature high backs, armrests, and wheels, designed for comfort and support.

TITAN Evo NanoGen™ Edition ora disponibile.

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Secretlab TITAN Evo Lite

Tutte le caratteristiche di base, a meno

Le funzioni essenziali della nostra ammiraglia, la TITAN Evo. A un prezzo più accessibile.

Two Secretlab gaming chairs, one in black and the other in light gray, are shown. Both chairs have adjustable armrests, high backrests with headrests, and rolling wheels. The Secretlab logo is visible at the top of the backrests.
Secretlab SKINS

La tua sedia di sempre, ora nuova di zecca

Infila. Sistema. Chiudi la cerniera. È così facile cambiare look alla tua TITAN Evo.

Back view of a Secretlab TITAN Evo gaming chair with a light purple fabric cover. The chair features adjustable armrests and an ergonomic design, combining comfort with aesthetic appeal.
Scrivanie Secretlab

Scrivanie Secretlab

Secretlab MAGNUS PRO

Le prestazioni sempre all'altezza

Il sistema di gestione cavi migliore al mondo. Ora elettrificato.

A black gaming desk setup with two large monitors displaying a blue spiral design. The desk features RGB lighting along the edges, a mechanical keyboard, a mouse, and two speakers. Headphones and a computer tower are positioned on and under the desk respectively.
Secretlab MAGNUS

Scopri un nuovo modo per organizzarti

La quintessenza delle scrivanie moderne in metallo per lavorare, giocare, e fare tutto il resto.

Sleek, black rectangular table with minimalist legs, featuring subtle multicolor LED lighting along the edges. The modern design and clean lines offer a sophisticated look.
Secretlab Componenti per Scrivania

Modulari, sicure e facili da usare

Migliora le prestazioni e la produttività con le nostre estensioni esclusive.

The image displays a set of black and red plastic components, including two long rectangular covers, three small red rectangular pieces, and one small black rectangular piece. The arrangement suggests they are parts of a modular assembly kit.

Accessori Secretlab

Secretlab SKINS

Rinfresca la tua sedia

Esplora un nuovo mondo di personalizzazione della tua sedia con un'estetica fresca e una protezione a 360°.

Three Secretlab gaming chairs in different styles and colors are displayed - a teal and black Titan, a pink and black Titan, and a gray and black Secretlab chair. Each is shown from various angles, including side and reclined views, as well as close-ups of the armrests.
Secretlab Componenti per Sedia

Personalizza la tua esperienza di seduta Secretlab

Siediti come preferisci grazie alla gamma esclusiva di accessori e estensioni per la tua sedia.

Two black, rectangular elbow pads are displayed against a white background. They have a soft, cushioned surface designed to provide ergonomic support and comfort, typically used for keyboards or desks. One pad has a slight cutout on one side.
Poggiapiedi ed Estensione Reclinabile Secretlab
Tieni i piedi lontano dal pavimento

Goditi il sostegno ergonomico dedicato a gambe e piedi.

A black gaming chair with red stitching and gold accents features adjustable armrests, a reclining backrest, and a retractable footrest. The chair is set on a five-wheel base.

Leggi cos'hanno da dire i nostri 3.000.000+ di clienti su Secretlab

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Basato su 52709 Recensioni
Spedizione veloce e diretta

Per offrirti la migliore esperienza, spediamo ogni sedia Secretlab direttamente a te. Ricevi risposte più rapide e risparmi maggiori senza ricarichi per rivenditori o distributori.

Informazioni sulla consegna
Domande frequenti

Hai una domanda? Lasciati aiutare da noi.

Domande frequenti
Finanziamento flessibile disponibile

Paga il tuo acquisto in 4 rate senza interessi con Splitit.

Informazioni su Splitit
Two Secretlab Titan gaming chairs are displayed on a transparent background. One chair is black with visible branding and armrests, while the other chair is light gray, showing its back with additional branding and detailed stitching. Three gaming chairs are shown. From left to right: a black Secretlab TITAN, a light gray Secretlab TITAN, a yellow Secretlab Lumbar, and a black Secretlab K/DA All Out Edition. All chairs have adjustable armrests and are designed for ergonomic support.

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